Peace and Tranquility


Light, Peace, Life

Hi everyone,

Hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer, with the warm weather and bustling about of nature. I wanted to share this watercolor with you of the Theodore A. Parker III Nature preserve that I painted. We visited this place a few months ago with a group. The path along the creek can be steep, but it is really beautiful! It is the home of Stewart Run, one of the many creeks that are here in Lancaster County. Dappled light and the beauty of the woods really pique my interest. There is a peace and tranquility of mind that envelopes me when I enter into the woods, as though I have entered into sacred ground, I don’t want to make the slightest sound and interrupt the silence of the forest. Hope you enjoy this painting and there will be more to come!

If you have any questions or would like to say hello please comment below. If you are interested in a print please check out the shop section or if you have an idea for a commission piece please contact me.

With warmest regard,


The great of the earth are those who leave silence and solitude around themselves, their work and their life, and let it ripen of its own accord.
— Anne Marrow Lindbergh

Art Show In Strasburg!!


Hello All,

Hope this finds you well! Below are two paintings that I painted this summer that are entered into the Lancaster County Arts Association Plein Air Art Show. The show is at the Steinmetz Gallery in Strasburg, PA. Sunday, September 19th is the opening date from 1-4 pm. It will be up until October 14th.

With love,


P.S. I do plan on being there but have a previous engagement and won’t be able to make it until 2pm. If you are able to visit at that time it would be great to see you!

This View from Little Britain Park. I sat with my mom on a park bench on a muggy July morning talking about various things while the children played with friends. One of the things I love in early American art is the paintings of patchwork farmland. They are so simple and beautiful! This is loosely based on those paintings.

This View from Little Britain Park. I sat with my mom on a park bench on a muggy July morning talking about various things while the children played with friends. One of the things I love in early American art is the paintings of patchwork farmland. They are so simple and beautiful! This is loosely based on those paintings.

The Pond at Swatara. A vacation destination family favorite. You can fish and canoe on this pond. I got up early Sunday morning to paint while everyone else slept in. It was a bit foggy when I started out, and there were a ton of birds flitting over the  water.

The Pond at Swatara. A vacation destination family favorite. You can fish and canoe on this pond. I got up early Sunday morning to paint while everyone else slept in. It was a bit foggy when I started out, and there were a ton of birds flitting over the water.

Peace Light Life


Simple Reminders


Hello All,

I don’t know about you but when I was growing up I always appreciated the simple reminders and reinforcements of truth that hung on the walls of home and school. Now that I am an adult I love to do the same for my children. This month I did something a little different and added Psalm 46:10 to the painting of my son David. It is a very appropriate verse for him and complements the artwork well.

Be Still and Know That I Am God print.

Be Still and Know That I Am God print.


With all the crazy stuff going on in the world today it is even more important than ever to fill your home with truth and things that are positive. This print is 5x9 and comes matted at 9x12. It is on sale from now until Monday 7/20/2020. Click on the link below to check it out. Until next month!



Minnows, Tadpoles and Seeds of Hope

peace • light • life

New Wonders, 6x6, watercolor

New Wonders, 6x6, watercolor

One thing about having children, I love their excitement over simple things. Can you tell what the above painting is of? My one daughter kept thinking it was funny looking flowers, but it’s really a tadpole and a few rocks scooped up in water in one of my other daughter’s hands. Pools of tadpoles were in the water and the kids were extremely excited over them.

I have been experimenting with different types of paper, one of them being hot press. Hot press paper was the paper that I remember being told, was not very good to use and was to be avoided. Not many people like it and I can understand, it is harder to control the paint. But… it picks up detail wonderfully! And some of my paintings have lots of detail-they are infused with detail, especially the smaller paintings of children and scenery.

The children trying to catch minnows and tadpoles.

The children trying to catch minnows and tadpoles.

Hope, 11x14, watercolor

Hope, 11x14, watercolor

The humble dandelion is dying, but there is hope in the seed. It is the only way in which you get the seed, which after floating away on air produces hundreds of more flowers. They do not worry about where they land and are productive in almost whatever soil they come to alight on. Now I know that many of you are thinking, ‘that noxious weed!’, but think about the dandelion. It is humble and happy. It is one of the indicators that spring has sprung. It is what it is. Did you know that it was brought over from Europe as a food and medicinal source? Have you ever tried spring dandelion greens with bacon? It is very good! Even my pickiest of eaters like it!

8x10 watercolor commission.

8x10 watercolor commission.

James Dean, a commission painting. There’s not much to say because the image says it all, right? James Dean, the American Icon of teenage rebellion. James Dean himself did not think of himself as a rebellious youth. He was a great actor. Probably one of the best in his time. Not in many movies because of his untimely death, but he sure made his mark. He brought emotion to the screen and was the first to improvise, an innovative way of acting at the time.

One last thought for you, this has been a tough time for our nation as a whole. Strange times. But there is hope. Our nation really is only as strong as our families are. I guess that is why I paint children and simple reminders of the beauty of life. It really is not that complex, easily forgive, be kind. Sometimes it is easier to treat people we don’t know with kindness, but kindness is what we all need. Especially from those that we are closest too. Ok, those are my closing thoughts. Until next month!



Sketching at Muddy Run. I sat under the bridge with my feet in the water while the kids looked for crayfish, tadpoles and their little frog siblings and minnows.

Sketching at Muddy Run. I sat under the bridge with my feet in the water while the kids looked for crayfish, tadpoles and their little frog siblings and minnows.

Quarryville Library has a virtual art gallery, and right now I am the featured artist. Check it out to see some of the paintings that were up for the Reflections of Light and Life art show. Due to the coronavirus 🦠 I was unable to take the art 🖼 show down until this past week. It ended up being extra long! Please share this virtual gallery, and if you could like or comment below I would appreciate it and would love to hear from you! Thank you for your support!

Family Traditions🚲🧩

Available in the shop, 25% off. Limited time offer.

Available in the shop, 25% off. Limited time offer.

Peace Light Life

Hi everyone,

How have you been? Hope this letter finds you well. We all have family traditions, like to flock to the beach or mountains for vacation, playing games together, Chinese for Christmas. One of our traditions, that was probably started by my mom, is to paint and draw together. My mom has been staying with us so we get to spend a lot of time together and paint in the afternoon. So here I would like to feature a few of my mom’s paintings.

Impatients, Salmon Cream.

Impatients, Salmon Cream.

Dandelions and Choke Cherry Tree branches.

Dandelions and Choke Cherry Tree branches.

When I was a child my brother and I were models for my mom. I can remember many a time sitting for her while she drew us.

We, here at the Forrest homestead, have been fine thus far. Albeit, a bit antsy and ready to get back to normal. A friend stopped by to drop something off last week and it was sooooo good to see her and her family and to chat awhile. We were made to be social and we need that human contact.

Believe or not, I have been able to make time to paint. I plant myself next to my son while he does his schoolwork. That way I am available to him and the other children as they work. Otherwise, it is rare to see me sitting during the day, as you can imagine. Here are a few of this months watercolors.

Detail of The Splash Pad, which I am currently working on.

Detail of The Splash Pad, which I am currently working on.

Catching Crayfish, you can watch the making of this video on the home page.

Catching Crayfish, you can watch the making of this video on the home page.

On July 3rd, from 5-8pm some of my work will be in the Mulberry Art Gallery’s 2nd Annual We Love Our Pets Art Show in Lancaster City. A few of my children will have their work in the gallery as well. This is as long as Lancaster is open again after being closed due to the coronavirus. Otherwise it will be a digital gallery showing.


Click on the link above to see masks and other items available on Fine Art America.

Thank you all for joining me again this month! Please comment, like or share. Let me know how you are doing.

Take care!




Peace In The Midst

A quiet mind cureth all.
— Robert Burton
A photo my daughter took on one of our many walks.

A photo my daughter took on one of our many walks.

Hi everyone,

How are you? My hope is that each one of you stays well and that you possess that inner peace, especially during this time of uncertainty. My heart goes out to all those who may be homebound and unable to connect with others. Please drop a note to me and I will definitely get back to you! Many of you may be wondering if we will ever get back to normal and we will. It may be a new normal, like the kind when a new baby enters a home. Nothing after that is ever normal like the normal you knew, it’s a new kind of normal. I write these words as my mom went into the hospital yesterday for something unrelated to the virus. Now is not the time I would like my mom to be in the hospital but in the end I know that everything will be alright and that she is in good hands.

Anyway, I would like to share some of the things I have been working on recently, but, first there is a young lady named Brittany I would like to introduce to you. She is an artist with whom I did an exchange of artwork. This is her artwork and her biography.

Wonderful photography done by Valkyyrii Arts.

Wonderful photography done by Valkyyrii Arts.

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a very vivid and (what some may call) an overactive imagination. The earliest piece of art I can recall completing was at four, when I took my mom’s bright red lipstick to a yellow plastic table I had in my room, drawing a spider. I took crayons to walls, markers to skin, paint to my toys. I can safely say my skills have expanded exponentially since my four-year-old self, and in middle school it moved from a simple desire to create to a driven passion for becoming GOOD at my art. At the time, what motivated me was the Japanese animated show, Sailor Moon. My art goal was to become an animator for Sailor Moon, or an artist for Japanese comic books (manga). I practiced all the time, at home, at school, everywhere – this was when I’d began carrying a sketchbook with me all the time. I was self-taught through middle and most of high school - I’d started expanding my skills to still life and collaborating work with some of my artistic friends. In my senior year at high school, I finally took a couple of art elective classes. I’d resisted for a long time because I really didn’t want to be told how to do art – in my mind, art was created out of emotions and could be anything anyone wanted. Subjective.
In college I continued to pursue my art – and knocked heads with most of my professors along the way, as I couldn’t understand at the time that they weren’t telling me necessarily WHAT to create, but more of the skills on HOW to create things or take them to the next level. I’ve always favored the 2-D arts of drawing and painting. My father is a photographer and videographer – growing up with a camera was natural for me and I passed on any photography classes during college, learning everything on my own and from my dad. I found myself intrigued with metalsmithing and jewelry making, which I ended up specializing in for my Bachelor of Fine Arts, Traditional Art. During college, my fanatic passion with Sailor Moon and other anime and manga fell to the wayside. I began to focus my works on creating things from the fantasy/sci-fi, paranormal books I read, and the pagan influences I was drawn towards and becoming deeply passionate about. After college, my work became a combination of my passions, and of completing commissions for others covering a wide range of subjects.
Today, my work is inspired with a wide range of fantasy/sci-fi, paranormal, pagan, Celtic & Baltic art, their cultures, weapon culture, sexuality, kink and tattoo cultures, and equally driven by emotions. I create art from the world around me, photographing things and perspectives I find intriguing, drawing or painting things, people, or animals that cause intense feelings. I create art daily, even if it’s just a simple sketch – not everything has to go up on social media, however it’s incredibly important to be constantly working at what you love to do. I run my art business on the side currently, however my goal is to make the jump and become a full-time working artist. I’m a huge fan and supporter of local artists and small businesses, and actively participate in a variety of communities that align with my artistic passions and interests.“

Isn’t this an awesome, awesome closeup? The colors and composition are beautiful!

Isn’t this an awesome, awesome closeup? The colors and composition are beautiful!

You can visit Valkyyrii Arts on both facebook and Instagram.

So here are a few things I have been up to-first of all the kids are home. I love it! Really, I absolutely love having all my little ducklings in the nest. We have been taking long walks and painting together, baking and reading books. I have been going through my old recipe books and consolidating our family’s favorite recipes.

Long walks through the woods are incredibly enjoyable. We have been watching the grass turn green and flowers bloom. The hills make for some good exercise!

Long walks through the woods are incredibly enjoyable. We have been watching the grass turn green and flowers bloom. The hills make for some good exercise!

Gathering together family recipes for the next generation. Do you have any family favorites? If you share them with me they may become one of our family favorites!

Gathering together family recipes for the next generation. Do you have any family favorites? If you share them with me they may become one of our family favorites!

French bread from an old recipe of my husband’s grandfather. (This morning I made apple fritters for breakfast which the kids helped me with.)

French bread from an old recipe of my husband’s grandfather. (This morning I made apple fritters for breakfast which the kids helped me with.)

An almost complete commission painting.

An almost complete commission painting.

A work in progress of kids playing at Muddy Run. Stay tuned for the next newsletter for the full time-lapse video of this painting from start to finish.

A work in progress of kids playing at Muddy Run. Stay tuned for the next newsletter for the full time-lapse video of this painting from start to finish.

For the rest of year I plan on contacting Red Raven Art Gallery. The Mulberry Art Gallery is also interested in showing my work. If you are interested in a commission work please contact me. The process involves a preliminary drawing that I can always work on. This would be with out any strings attached just to see if it is something you would be interested in.

With love to you all,


Peace Light Life

“Freedom is More Important than security”

That is the title that I am thinking about giving this painting below-

Two Amish boys, coming home from work in the fields.

Two Amish boys, coming home from work in the fields.

Does it make sense? The boys have been working in the fields all day planting new asparagus plants for a neighboring farm. They are tired, worn out and ready for supper. They are discussing the frog they caught with their friend Jesse up the street from the little pond hangout, where all important meetings take place round a campfire. Life revolves around seasons, “putting up” food and family. “Freedom!” And of course, their ancestors have fought for it.

This painting I need to put away for a few days before coming back to it so I can see it clearly. That arm has some much needed TLC!

This painting I need to put away for a few days before coming back to it so I can see it clearly. That arm has some much needed TLC!

The last couple of weeks have been a bit slow for me as I have not been feeling well. The flip side of this is that I do well sitting and painting. These are the three paintings I have been working on.

Bearded Iris against the aging stuccoed wall. A good reminder how nothing lasts forever.

Bearded Iris against the aging stuccoed wall. A good reminder how nothing lasts forever.

Different things we have been doing as a family…well, first of all, I am so thankful for the older kids and their help. They have been making sure things I usually do are taken care of, like laundry and meals. During Christmas break we enjoyed family time, visiting with our extended family and friends, opening presents and enjoying a big meal. I finished a knitting project I started three years ago. And I have been framing, a lot! But that is for another newsletter!

Building some neat lego structures with Charlie.

Blessings from our family to yours,


PS ‘Coming Home’ is the title that we settled on for the above painting.

Snapshots from my journal


“Writing a journal is satisfying in that I can type my thoughts without losing the flow of understanding.” ~Dorothy Dupont

Over the years I have filled many journals with sketches of just everyday things. I love to see the extraordinary in the simple things in life. When the children were younger sometimes we would go on outdoor excursions to study nature. Off we would go into the woods and fields with paints and watercolor paper and paint what was before us. Together we learned about flowers, mushrooms and toadstools, different types of feathers, the difference between dog and cat paws, etc. Somethings I had to go out on my own, without children and distractions so that I could study certain things like butterflies.

Most of the sketches, though, in these books are of the children as they were playing or sleeping or of the family pets and farm animals. Some of them that were really good drawings became gifts to people. These sketches would take anywhere from a few minutes to half hour, tops. Good for learning to do things quickly and flowingly. Winslow Homer, when he started out his career, was an artist for the newspaper during the Civil War. He would go out on location and draw the battles. In this way, he became good at illustrating things that moved and it strengthened his skills as an artist, making quicker decisions and better judgment regarding composition of the page and choosing materials and all the other things that go into making excellent artwork.

Sketch of children playing video games.

Sketch of children playing video games.

A pond with Jacob sheep.

A pond with Jacob sheep.

Son sleeping. Studies of facial features.

Son sleeping. Studies of facial features.

Buckles inspecting a baby chick.

Buckles inspecting a baby chick.



Children on couch in burnt sienna.

Children on couch in burnt sienna.


Hope you enjoy these little glimpses into my journals. I know one of my favorite things to do is to look at the drawing studies of famous artists. Leonardo Da Vinci is well known for his sketches of everything from people to inventions. Hope you have good week!



P.S. For those of you who are waiting for the cards, they are done at the printers. Today I will be picking them up and will upload them onto the website. Thank you for your patience!