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Peace Light Life
Hi everyone,
How have you been? Hope this letter finds you well. We all have family traditions, like to flock to the beach or mountains for vacation, playing games together, Chinese for Christmas. One of our traditions, that was probably started by my mom, is to paint and draw together. My mom has been staying with us so we get to spend a lot of time together and paint in the afternoon. So here I would like to feature a few of my mom’s paintings.
Impatients, Salmon Cream.
Dandelions and Choke Cherry Tree branches.
When I was a child my brother and I were models for my mom. I can remember many a time sitting for her while she drew us.
We, here at the Forrest homestead, have been fine thus far. Albeit, a bit antsy and ready to get back to normal. A friend stopped by to drop something off last week and it was sooooo good to see her and her family and to chat awhile. We were made to be social and we need that human contact.
Believe or not, I have been able to make time to paint. I plant myself next to my son while he does his schoolwork. That way I am available to him and the other children as they work. Otherwise, it is rare to see me sitting during the day, as you can imagine. Here are a few of this months watercolors.
Detail of The Splash Pad, which I am currently working on.
Catching Crayfish, you can watch the making of this video on the home page.
On July 3rd, from 5-8pm some of my work will be in the Mulberry Art Gallery’s 2nd Annual We Love Our Pets Art Show in Lancaster City. A few of my children will have their work in the gallery as well. This is as long as Lancaster is open again after being closed due to the coronavirus. Otherwise it will be a digital gallery showing.
Click on the link above to see masks and other items available on Fine Art America.
Thank you all for joining me again this month! Please comment, like or share. Let me know how you are doing.
Take care!