peace • light • life
New Wonders, 6x6, watercolor
One thing about having children, I love their excitement over simple things. Can you tell what the above painting is of? My one daughter kept thinking it was funny looking flowers, but it’s really a tadpole and a few rocks scooped up in water in one of my other daughter’s hands. Pools of tadpoles were in the water and the kids were extremely excited over them.
I have been experimenting with different types of paper, one of them being hot press. Hot press paper was the paper that I remember being told, was not very good to use and was to be avoided. Not many people like it and I can understand, it is harder to control the paint. But… it picks up detail wonderfully! And some of my paintings have lots of detail-they are infused with detail, especially the smaller paintings of children and scenery.
The children trying to catch minnows and tadpoles.
Hope, 11x14, watercolor
The humble dandelion is dying, but there is hope in the seed. It is the only way in which you get the seed, which after floating away on air produces hundreds of more flowers. They do not worry about where they land and are productive in almost whatever soil they come to alight on. Now I know that many of you are thinking, ‘that noxious weed!’, but think about the dandelion. It is humble and happy. It is one of the indicators that spring has sprung. It is what it is. Did you know that it was brought over from Europe as a food and medicinal source? Have you ever tried spring dandelion greens with bacon? It is very good! Even my pickiest of eaters like it!
8x10 watercolor commission.
James Dean, a commission painting. There’s not much to say because the image says it all, right? James Dean, the American Icon of teenage rebellion. James Dean himself did not think of himself as a rebellious youth. He was a great actor. Probably one of the best in his time. Not in many movies because of his untimely death, but he sure made his mark. He brought emotion to the screen and was the first to improvise, an innovative way of acting at the time.
One last thought for you, this has been a tough time for our nation as a whole. Strange times. But there is hope. Our nation really is only as strong as our families are. I guess that is why I paint children and simple reminders of the beauty of life. It really is not that complex, easily forgive, be kind. Sometimes it is easier to treat people we don’t know with kindness, but kindness is what we all need. Especially from those that we are closest too. Ok, those are my closing thoughts. Until next month!
Sketching at Muddy Run. I sat under the bridge with my feet in the water while the kids looked for crayfish, tadpoles and their little frog siblings and minnows.
Quarryville Library has a virtual art gallery, and right now I am the featured artist. Check it out to see some of the paintings that were up for the Reflections of Light and Life art show. Due to the coronavirus 🦠 I was unable to take the art 🖼 show down until this past week. It ended up being extra long! Please share this virtual gallery, and if you could like or comment below I would appreciate it and would love to hear from you! Thank you for your support!