Light Peace Life
“Last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
It’s a timely quote sent by a friend, isn’t it? To close one door is to open another, it has been said. So, how are you doing? It is amazing how things can change in a year-and it’s almost been a year since we last met. Between homeschooling (which I love!) and taking care of my mom (which I also love! She is such a hoot!) my little corner of the world has been busy! But I have carved out time in my day to paint and explore.
It is ashame that the beauty of a flower fades so quickly but it is a wonderful thing to be able to capture it at its height of beauty through the process of art. Our outward beauty may also fade but it’s our inner beauty that glows. What this painting reminds me of and what I like about it is the inner glow of it. The light reflects from a greater source.
Here is an awesome thought I’d like to share with you that I heard recently, let us become superspreaders. Not of any kind of disease, of course, but of love! What a wonderful way to use that word! Until next time, may you enjoy Light, Peace and Life!
Please grab a cup of tea and join me as I paint “Inner Beauty”.
Your artist friend,
Holly Forrest
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